How to use "skewer" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "skewer" in popular movie and book plots

  • Liz sneaks up on Heather and stabs her in the leg with a skewer from a corndog.  - Barely Lethal
  • Bugs returns with a skewer with three lit dynamite sticks, which Taz promptly eats, in a display of what Bugs calls "atrocious table manners".  - Bill of Hare
  • There, John decides to kill Helmut with a small skewer he has always carried with him.  - The Long Day's Dying
  • Tom gets ready to skewer the mouse, and then Jerry points to Tuffy dropping a vase.  - Royal Cat Nap
  • The demon grabs Buffy and stabs her with a needle-like skewer from his forearm (similar to the Polgara in season 4).  - Normal Again

Meaning of "skewer" in English

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Meaning of "skewer" in Hindi

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