How to use "slain" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "slain" in popular movie and book plots

  • Morgenes is slain by a dark magic, and Simon is able to flee the castle through a secret passage at the back of the doctor's office.  - The Dragonbone Chair
  • On the drive home, Vinny notices police near the location where he had parked with Chiara, and sees the dead bodies of the slain couple.  - Summer of Sam
  • Ripped and torn, the slain body of Tanzra fell to the underworld.  - ActRaiser 2
  • Bhaal, the God of Murder, was one such god, slain by an adventurer named Cyric, who himself became a god.  - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
  • The gang attacks Elwood's home, and Gamma comes to the rescue, but not before Elwood's sister, Sheryl, is slain by the gang's leader.  - Zombiepowder.
  • However, the shrew Fatch, a good friend of Rufe and Durry, is slain by Silvamord, Urgan Nagru's mate.  - The Bellmaker
  • During the actual spelunking, Robbie experiences a psychotic episode, where he hallucinates that he has slain a monster, called a Gorvil.  - Mazes and Monsters
  • The slain patrons, including Richie, then come back to life as vampires, forcing Seth to kill his own brother.  - From Dusk till Dawn
  • Merlin investigates and finds Julia slain by creatures from another shadow.  - Trumps of Doom
  • Erik and the crew encounter old friends and enemies slain in battle.  - Erik the Viking
  • Airk is killed by Kael, who is in turn slain by Madmartigan after a lengthy sword duel.  - Willow (film)
  • Neither of the remaining brothers are aware that their other slain brothers, each one killed for the crown, are with them in ghost form.  - Stardust (novel)
  • Nick does not believe the deranged man's confession; Drake was slain by a well-aimed shot.  - Song of the Thin Man
  • Karin then directs Goku to Kami, the original creator of the Dragon Balls, to restore Shenlong and revive his slain friends.  - Dragon Ball (manga)
  • In the kingdom of Rohan, the Orcs are slain by a company of the Rohirrim.  - The Lord of the Rings
  • A girl who tries to escape is slain and a middle-aged prostitute continues with her story.  - Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

Meaning of "slain" in English

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Meaning of "slain" in Hindi

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