How to use "slant" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "slant" in popular movie and book plots

  • Mysterious anonymous notes start showing up all over town; they have a religious slant and expose the faults of the recipients.  - The Long Secret
  • But once there, her eye catches a certain slant of light in the setting sun and she sees a glimpse of the future.  - The Vespertine
  • The real Uday, though, is more concerned with the Kuwaitis, who he believes have been slant drilling into Iraq's Rumaila oil field.  - The Devil's Double
  • She puts a slant on the story that makes it sound like a Puritan spiritual biography.  - Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (novel)
  • It is perhaps one major film with a female protagonist did not offer a feminist slant on the film, the story or the character.  - Deep Jwele Jaai

Meaning of "slant" in English

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Meaning of "slant" in Hindi

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