How to use "slate" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "slate" in popular movie and book plots

  • Grégoire continues to take on more work despite his slate of current films continuing to rack up costs.  - The Father of My Children
  • They decide to start with a clean slate and go on a real date.  - Generalissimo (30 Rock)
  • " Vic looks at the slate covered in piss.  - Blair Thumb
  • Inside, the pair finds a slate of lapis lazuli, largely undamaged due to the freshwater environment, and hears the Song of Dragons again.  - Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep
  • However, on the day of the event, Sam is forced to help deliver a slate of film prints after the delivery truck breaks down.  - Sam's Son
  • Ferguson offers him a clean slate if he works for them.  - Thunder Point
  • He eventually finds Steve in an abandoned slate quarry.  - One Hour to Zero
  • Angrily, Jesus tells Judas that he should leave Mary alone, because his slate is not clean.  - Jesus Christ Superstar (film)
  • No redemption afterwards, no chance of wiping the slate clean and starting over.  - The Falls (Rankin novel)
  • Slater Bob, an old slate miner, tells them a story about a lost gold vein in the fells.  - Pigeon Post
  • The child finds Kakeshwar doing calculations in a slate and doing some mathematics that appears very unusual to the narrator.  - HaJaBaRaLa
  • Louis writes an apology on his slate and gives it and the moneybag to his father, who flies back to the music store in Billings.  - The Trumpet of the Swan
  • The dwarven druid Pikel Bouldershoulders loses his left arm at the elbow by a piece of slate thrown by a frost giant.  - The Lone Drow
  • Freddy complies, only to grab a slate to block the bullet that Penelope fires.  - Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
  • It also contain a large slate board where curious experiments mention a Stone.  - The Story of the Stone (Barry Hughart)
  • The now-blank slate Kiki Aru and Ruggedo will live in the Emerald City and learn to be good and kind.  - The Magic of Oz

Meaning of "slate" in English

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Meaning of "slate" in Hindi

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