How to use "slaughter" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "slaughter" in popular movie and book plots

  • No longer will the corrupt Blood slaughter her people and defile her lands.  - The Black Jewels
  • With MacGregor in hiding, redcoats slaughter MacGregor's cattle, burn his croft, and Cunningham brutally rapes his wife Mary (Jessica Lange).  - Rob Roy (1995 film)
  • Aubrey sets up carronades in a cleft and there is a terrific slaughter of the enemy the following day.  - Clarissa Oakes
  • Sylvanas orders Varimathras to slaughter him.  - Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  • The chapters concerning The Goat recall the major events of his time, including the slaughter of thousands of Dominican Haitians in 1937.  - The Feast of the Goat
  • He leads an attack on a band of peaceful unarmed Arapaho ordering the slaughter of everyone in the camp including women and children.  - Centennial (miniseries)
  • Jijii incites Ichi to enter an apartment containing several criminals of the old Anjo gang, and slaughter them all.  - Ichi the Killer (film)
  • He wanders sadly from the barnyard and lives with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughter the flocks.  - The Ugly Duckling
  • Hayward desperately attempts to overcome the situation, but the slaughter continues.  - Bwana Devil
  • Perron, Sarah and the other English passengers are unharmed, but are horrified by the slaughter of Kasim and other passengers.  - The Jewel in the Crown (TV series)
  • Succumbing to their odd charm, he starts to fall asleep, but rouses himself in time to see them preparing to slaughter him.  - The Courts of Chaos
  • Brooke/Barr's enemies attempted to use this against him by claiming he had used British naval power to slaughter innocent natives.  - Kalimantaan
  • ", was followed by slaughter and destruction, culminating in the island vanishing from the face of the earth.  - Destination: Void
  • The battle becomes a hideous slaughter for both armies and ends in a standoff.  - War and Peace
  • The monotonous slaughter affects his home life with his unnamed wife and two children, Stan Jr.  - Killer of Sheep
  • Lawrence takes up the dead man's battle cry; the result is a slaughter in which Lawrence himself participates.  - Lawrence of Arabia (film)

Meaning of "slaughter" in English

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Meaning of "slaughter" in Hindi

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