How to use "snap" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "snap" in popular movie and book plots

  • When Scott sees Gideon snap at Envy, he comes to understand that he has been no better than Gideon in terms of his past relationships.  - Scott Pilgrim
  • Phelim is then attacked by a spirit that attempts to snap his neck; when his blood falls on it, however, it vanishes.  - The Stones Are Hatching
  • The audience's applause and cheers for Homer cause Grimes to finally snap and he runs amok through the plant, mimicking Homer's habits.  - Homer's Enemy
  • Blinded and distracted, Bo's car is hit by a pickup truck, and Rex and his crew snap photos of the wreck that they caused.  - Paparazzi (2004 film)
  • When some careless tourists snap photos of Wolfy's lewd behavior, he is forced to shoot them, then eats Red, the only witness.  - Black XXX-Mas
  • He tried to snap Brin out of her trance with his illusions but failed, but the love of her brother snapped Brin out of her trance.  - The Wishsong of Shannara
  • This attempt works for a few moments, but eventually all the chains snap from the strain.  - Steamboy
  • Even Virlomi agrees, after Suri manages to snap her out of her growing megalomania.  - Shadow of the Giant
  • Rincewind insists he cannot grant wishes with the snap of a finger, and discovers to his horror that snapping his fingers really does work.  - Eric (novel)
  • Ace visits Finkle's parents and discovers that he blames Dan Marino for taking the snap incorrectly, causing him to miss the kick.  - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
  • As they try to snap Adric out of his trance, they unknowingly awaken Zargo and Camilla.  - State of Decay
  • telekinetically, implying he faked his loss of power to snap Ace out of his greed.  - The Prime Mover
  • Shorty spars with the Maharajah, ultimately burning him to snap him out of the trance.  - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  • Mason then proceeds to snap Quentero's neck, killing him and saving his son.  - Hard to Kill
  • The group wants to help Piro get together with Kimiko, partially due to feeling bad for trying to snap a picture up Kimiko's skirt.  - Megatokyo
  • As photographers snap pictures, Alex daydreams of orgiastic violence and reflects, "I was cured all right".  - A Clockwork Orange (novel)

Meaning of "snap" in English

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Meaning of "snap" in Hindi

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