How to use "snare" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "snare" in popular movie and book plots

  • For his next trap, Daffy sets up a hunter's snare tied to a metal post, and sets a lure with cheese and Tabasco sauce.  - Quacker Tracker
  • Telling the cat he needs more vitamins (which the canary has been swallowing in bulk), he lures the cat inside to snare the canary.  - Catch as Cats Can
  • Meanwhile Dawn Dailey, having failed to snare Captain Spratt, decides to marry Wendover.  - Doctor in Trouble
  • When her plan to snare Simon goes drastically wrong, Nan is forced into a new plan - one which will break Benny's heart.  - Circle of Friends (novel)
  • Peter goes to Farmer Brown's peach orchard and gets caught in a snare and barely escapes himself.  - The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse
  • Soon after, Stretch places a wire snare in Crowder and Moonbeam's stall in an attempt to cripple them.  - Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!
  • Sparks fly as Venus tries to snare Rico.  - Mr. Suave
  • While attempting to ambush Magellan, Sylver is caught in a snare set by the bounty hunter.  - Thunder Oak
  • However, Ivanhoe uses the shaft of his axe to snare Bois-Guilbert's chain and pull him off his horse.  - Ivanhoe (1952 film)
  • Now an unknown force is using the rift to snare passenger ships.  - Set Piece (novel)
  • They plan to snare the squid, reel it in, and shoot it multiple times with darts full of cyanide.  - The Beast (1996 film)
  • Days later Crusoe falls into a snare laid by the native.  - Robinson Crusoe (1997 film)
  • He teaches her to play the snare drum and trumpet, dance a bit, and clown for the audience.  - La Strada
  • A Sister of the Dark, who was also following Nathan, ends up getting caught in a snare Zedd intended for the Prophet Rahl.  - Temple of the Winds
  • Moments later, however, he is caught in a snare trap.  - Watership Down (film)
  • On a slow night at the Fandango, Charity loses the opportunity to snare one of the few customers by a new co-worker, Rosie.  - Sweet Charity

Meaning of "snare" in English

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Meaning of "snare" in Hindi

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