How to use "sniff" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sniff" in popular movie and book plots

  • Dizna then proceeds to take out a can of glue and sniff it telling the driver that she’s addicted and now her child is as well.  - A Couple of Poor, Polish-Speaking Romanians
  • The dog manages to sniff out Homer and drag him out of the maze.  - Stop! Or My Dog Will Shoot
  • They decided Lobo would be a valuable resource and used him to sniff out more land mines along their path.  - The Young and The Brave
  • Samson continues to sniff petrol.  - Samson and Delilah (2009 film)
  • Ted replies that Robin is just afraid of babies, and is seen not wanting to hold them and letting them sniff her like a dog.  - Not a Father's Day
  • Plato is here to sniff out birds such as quail and pheasants so the humans can shoot them.  - The Case of the Kidnapped Collie
  • Otis' bloodhounds sniff Bubba out, and all four vigilantes empty multiple rounds from their guns, killing him.  - Dark Night of the Scarecrow
  • They sniff and recognize Tom as their kin, but chase Mab and her clan from the Tower (which Mab has already had masons repair).  - The Spook's Battle
  • The inspector also has a smart dog named Dumbass to sniff for clues.  - Bangkok Loco
  • According to the riddle, the hunting dragon of the heir to the Hairy Hooligan's tribe will sniff out the treasure.  - How to Train Your Dragon
  • They finish the story, saying that a tom cat had come to sniff around in the testes and the eagle picked it up.  - Curse of the Starving Class
  • A passersby tells her she should sniff the fumes instead, which she does.  - Resurrection of the Little Match Girl
  • Then, Spiro the Clairvoyant, a man who smells people like a psychic bloodhound, starts to sniff Kleinman.  - Shadows and Fog
  • Baldrick uses his underpants to beat back the dinosaur, who takes one sniff and falls over dead.  - Blackadder: Back & Forth
  • He brings them back in a bottle and makes Orlando sniff them, thus restoring him to sanity.  - Orlando Furioso

Meaning of "sniff" in English

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Meaning of "sniff" in Hindi

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