How to use "snoop" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "snoop" in popular movie and book plots

  • Jerónimo is an antisocial local man who rents rooms in his home to expats so he can snoop around their belongings.  - Things as They Are (film)
  • At the Inn, the two stake out the place until Neal and Tamara leave so Emma can snoop with Henry as a lookout.  - The Evil Queen (Once Upon a Time)
  • As the three have a feast that night, Pico decides to leave them and snoop around the castle.  - The Magic Voyage
  • Meanwhile, Jackson becomes suspicious of his mistress's lengthy recovery period and sends a private investigator to snoop about.  - This Woman Is Dangerous
  • Joanna is then ordered to snoop around and investigate the crash site.  - Perfect Dark (Game Boy Color)
  • Bhagyaraj, Prithiviraj's close friend moves into their house to snoop around and find out the girl identified by Seetha.  - Parijatham (2006 film)
  • She and Manfred begin to snoop around.  - The Deadly Bees
  • They snoop around the building used by the robbers and find out Scott is the thief who stole his belongings.  - Thief of Hearts
  • As soon as Dray leaves, she and Katrina snoop around and find Dray's mobile black book of his women.  - Def Jam's How to Be a Player
  • They sneak out to the storage sheds to snoop on the prisoner that Karrde is reportedly holding.  - Heir to the Empire

Meaning of "snoop" in English

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Meaning of "snoop" in Hindi

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