How to use "snub" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "snub" in popular movie and book plots

  • Bob tries to explain that he likes them and didn't intend for his posts to be insulting, but the other attendees snub him.  - Uncle Teddy (Bob's Burgers)
  • Martin is seen attempting to pick up women as he drives a buggy around the grounds, but they all snub him.  - Austenland (film)
  • The Duke's sister Lady Octavia (Lester) tries to snub her at every turn, resulting in Molly's dejection and wish to leave.  - Simple Souls
  • Lydia does not answer and Staniford angrily tells her that he envies her ability to snub people with her silence.  - The Lady of The Aroostook
  • Her rich friends drop her, her relatives snub her, and only rarely does anyone offer help or encouragement.  - Ruth Hall (novel)
  • Aunt Cassie and Miss Peavey are horrified by the arriviste and constantly snub him.  - Early Autumn
  • Stephen attempts to divide up the work but the haughty passengers snub his leadership so he fends for himself.  - We're Not Dressing
  • Tensions aboard the ship cause Queeg to isolate himself from the other officers, who snub him as unworthy, believing him an oppressive coward.  - The Caine Mutiny
  • She and her father have fallen on hard times, but they snub all offers from Sikandar to become reacquainted.  - Muqaddar Ka Sikandar
  • The Mars Foundation's request is simple: snub BEC, refuse the contract, and they would match Trudy's offer.  - Proteus In The Underworld
  • While initially cooperative, Snoopy quickly tires of Rerun's idea of fun and games, and after a while Snoopy begins to snub Rerun.  - I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown
  • Ironically they snub her, as Ashley, at school.  - Cybergirl
  • The first neighbor to bear the brunt of this snub is Mrs Haraguchi.  - Good Morning (film)
  • That night, Miss Honey pays the Wormwoods a visit to encourage them to spend more time with Matilda, but they snub her.  - Matilda (1996 film)
  • The team and fans label him a "cheater" and snub him.  - The Waterboy
  • These presents are modern and mechanical, and they snub the old-fashioned velveteen rabbit.  - The Velveteen Rabbit

Meaning of "snub" in English

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Meaning of "snub" in Hindi

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