How to use "sociable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sociable" in popular movie and book plots

  • For two months, Jekyll reverts to his former sociable manner, but in early January, he starts refusing visitors.  - Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  • He becomes less sociable and is always involved in fights and other problems.  - Attakathi
  • Despite this Welin has never become particularly sociable with Jensson.  - Italian Shoes
  • He mixes with them at the Garys' large house, which the sociable couple have opened as an unofficial officers' club.  - Flight Command
  • The third wife, Vivianna, was very beautiful, sociable and cheery.  - Very Blue Beard
  • He is a second-year high school student who has a bright personality and is sociable to others.  - Rewrite (visual novel)
  • Kōhei also meets a blind upperclassman named Misaki Kawana who has a sociable personality where she can be unreserved with anyone.  - One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e
  • His tutor recommends that he be sent to university to develop an easier, more sociable manner.  - The Student Prince (film)
  • "By inherent nature he had a sociable disposition", and befriends Sid Pornick, the neighbour's boy.  - Kipps
  • Outgoing and sociable Walt aspires to be a Hollywood actor, however, whereas shy, introverted Bob prefers the quiet life.  - Stuck on You (film)
  • However, Bob swiftly ingratiates himself with Leo's family, who think Bob may have some foibles, but is otherwise a balanced and sociable man.  - What About Bob?
  • One day, Lensky takes Onegin to dine with the family of his fiancée, the sociable but rather thoughtless Olga Larina.  - Eugene Onegin
  • The duo succeed in finding Old Will (Edward Rigby), a sociable china-mender and homeless man who has Tisdall's coat.  - Young and Innocent

Meaning of "sociable" in English

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Meaning of "sociable" in Hindi

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