How to use "socialism" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "socialism" in popular movie and book plots

  • The film portrays going against the tenets of socialism as having a negative effect on their lives.  - Trace of Stones
  • He was against socialism in all its many forms.  - The Berlin Batman
  • She is introduced to socialism through friends of Karin.  - Daughter of Earth
  • Before dying, one of their victims shouts out, "The only person who’ll ever reach socialism is that one important man of yours".  - The Foundation Pit
  • He repeatedly bores Yuri with his long-winded lectures about the glories of socialism and the inevitability of its victory.  - Doctor Zhivago (novel)
  • Her concerned boyfriend Norman hears her lecture on the virtues of international socialism and is converted to her views.  - Bolshevism on Trial

Meaning of "socialism" in English

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Meaning of "socialism" in Hindi

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