How to use "socioeconomic" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "socioeconomic" in popular movie and book plots

  • He is accustomed to living humbly as he belongs to a low socioeconomic class, and could be considered a "naco".  - Amar te duele
  • This "clading" process places entire socioeconomic or ethnic groups made to be biologically predisposed to live in particular communities.  - Clade (novel)
  • Major socioeconomic disruption sets in, with shortages of food and medical supplies, power outages, and riots in the streets of New York.  - Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America
  •  3–26) Frenchman's Bend/The Old Frenchman Place introduced: lawlessness; socioeconomic background of settlers.  - The Hamlet
  • She challenges cultural and socioeconomic boundaries, in favor of a life independent from her family.  - Real Women Have Curves
  • These included socioeconomic disparity; racism; segregation (and desegregation); and poverty.  - Friday Night Lights (film)

Meaning of "socioeconomic" in English

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Meaning of "socioeconomic" in Hindi

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