How to use "sociologist" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "sociologist" in popular movie and book plots

  • Susanna is a professional sociologist and gives Nadya practical advice on how to change her behavior and clothing to get married successfully.  - The Most Charming and Attractive
  • Meanwhile the sociologist becomes disillusioned by the communication gap she senses in the workplace.  - Mais ou et donc Ornicar
  • His secretary tries to convince the sociologist that Camille is a manipulative slut but he cannot be convinced.  - Such a Gorgeous Kid Like Me
  • A visiting sociologist from Earth, Steven Lamorak, learns that an Elseverian named Igor Ragusnik has gone on strike.  - Strikebreaker (short story)
  • Or was it owl-like Oliver Wu the distinguished sociologist who harbors deep resentments.  - The Fatal Equilibrium
  • When the Council of Galaxies decides that earth is on the path of self-destruction it acts by sending an alien sociologist named Nod.  - Invincible Ed

Meaning of "sociologist" in English

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Meaning of "sociologist" in Hindi

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