How to use "sociopath" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sociopath" in popular movie and book plots

  • The book follows 15-year-old John Wayne Cleaver, a diagnosed sociopath who lives above a mortuary owned by his mother.  - I Am Not a Serial Killer
  • However, he is a sociopath with violent sexual tastes.  - The Killer Inside Me (2010 film)
  • What Kinsey doesn’t know is that Solana is a dangerous sociopath with an accomplice and a history of clients who died under her care.  - "T" Is for Trespass
  • Cassie had plotted out all of David's emotions, gauged his inflating ego, and knew the sociopath would select Rachel as his victim.  - The Solution (novel)
  • Meanwhile, an albino sociopath killer is making his way to Los Angeles by the calls of someone and visions.  - They Thirst
  • Carol's protector is Jim's father Jonah, who unknown to her, is a lifelong sociopath and occasionally homicidal psychotic.  - Reborn (novel)
  • Baxter thrills under the firm hand of his new master, a budding sociopath and Hitler fanatic.  - Baxter (film)
  • Steve Morgan (Tierney) is a charming sociopath who has just robbed and killed a cinema cashier.  - The Devil Thumbs a Ride
  • Unfortunately, his son turned out to be a murderous sociopath and Jeb approached his estranged brother to arrange a trap to stop his son.  - The Kents
  • Davey has always lived in the shadow of his older brother, a smiling sociopath who will stop at nothing to protect himself and his family.  - Blackwater (novelette)
  • Law is a sociopath who is ready and willing to kill anyone who gets in his way.  - Albino Alligator
  • Perry, a sociopath who was Garret's former partner, has now also been turned into a cyborg.  - Elektra: Assassin
  • Lisa breaks down and she reveals that perhaps she has been living a lie, that she probably isn't a sociopath at all, but she is very troubled.  - Girl, Interrupted (film)
  • Unfortunately, it is Peter McCabe, a sociopath who is serving life in prison for several murders.  - Desperate Measures (film)
  • The antihero of the novel, Pinkie Brown, is a teenage sociopath and up-and-coming gangster.  - Brighton Rock (novel)
  • Frank is an extremely foul-mouthed, violent sociopath whose orgasmic climax is a fit of both pleasure and rage.  - Blue Velvet (film)

Meaning of "sociopath" in English

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Meaning of "sociopath" in Hindi

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