How to use "soften" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "soften" in popular movie and book plots

  • Tom now tries to soften the explosion by sitting on the firework, but made a bad choice as to where: under the flowerbox.  - Safety Second
  • When Mark will not soften his opposition, he loses the committee assignment to Duclos.  - Mark Coffin, U.S.S.
  • / Please soften your heart, make Mum happy again").  - The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat
  • Gabriel tries to soften the blow, but Billy rebuffs him.  - Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss
  • King Priam of Troy, his daughter Polixene and his daughter-in-law Andromaque conspire to soften Achille's heart.  - Achille et Polyxène
  • As Maddie adjusts to life as a Ranger, she slowly helps to remedy Will's bitterness and soften his heart.  - Ranger's Apprentice
  • To soften her up, they take her to identify the body of Keisha, a friend of hers from the club, and attempt to turn her.  - Game Day (The Wire)
  • His feelings soften towards her when he learns she has a terminal illness.  - Tales of Terror
  • Rip starts a charm offensive towards Mary to soften her up, but she holds her ground.  - Magic Town
  • Juan misses his father and Pilar begins to soften her attitude towards her husband.  - Take My Eyes
  • Initially they argue, but over the course of the film soften towards each other as they discover their similarities.  - Poetic Justice (film)
  • By telling them her life story, Nellie makes Nikolai's heart soften and he forgives Natasha and removes his curse, and they are reunited.  - Humiliated and Insulted
  • Fox defeats it, before Peppy saves Pepper and soften the crash.  - Star Fox: Assault
  • Dahlia wants to soften up Runkle and get him to unbelt, so Tuppy can have his legacy and finally marry her daughter Angela.  - Much Obliged, Jeeves
  • As they search, Charlie's heart begins to soften towards Betty, to Wesley's consternation.  - Nurse Betty
  • Mary becomes interested in finding the secret garden herself, and her ill manners begin to soften as a result.  - The Secret Garden

Meaning of "soften" in English

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Meaning of "soften" in Hindi

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