How to use "softness" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "softness" in popular movie and book plots

  • He loves toast, with the crunchy outside giving way to buttery softness inside.  - Toast (film)
  • Soon the Tawaaif makes room in everybody's heart by her softness and intelligence, love and affection.  - Tawaif (film)
  • A softness grew up and one fine evening, a bit drunk with nostalgia she disclosed the hidden truth to Satyo.  - Tollywood Focus
  • The only way they could limit their punishment was to spread their clothing over its path, as the softness would appease it.  - The Seven-headed Serpent
  • I saw the body of a man with an open, gentle face: such softness within that masculinity.  - Holding the Man
  • In their discussions they declare the need for the renunciation of bourgeois softness and a preparation for an age of pre-medieval harshness.  - Doctor Faustus (novel)

Meaning of "softness" in English

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Meaning of "softness" in Hindi

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