How to use "solicitor" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "solicitor" in popular movie and book plots

  • The solicitor has lost the paperwork (thanks to the Doctor) and is unable to prove the legality of his plans.  - The Highlanders (Doctor Who)
  • He is dispatched by Major George Broadfoot to the Punjab, masquerading as a solicitor attempting to settle the Soochet legacy.  - Flashman and the Mountain of Light
  • During the party, Captain Crewe's solicitor (E.  - The Little Princess (1939 film)
  • When Crewe's solicitor arrives and tells her there will be no more money, Miss Minchin is furious.  - A Little Princess (1995 film)
  • While Renard is questioning the uncooperative children the next morning, their solicitor uncle, mr Bullock (Maurice Denham), arrives.  - The Greengage Summer
  • The series revolved around a solicitor Frances Mo (Carol Cheng) and her paralegal advisor Yu Lok-tin (Dayo Wong).  - War of the Genders
  • When Poirot outlines to Nigel's father's solicitor the case against Nigel, the solicitor provides final proof.  - Hickory Dickory Dock (novel)
  • Interested in the will of the late John Savage, Frankie consults her family's solicitor in London and learns that Carstairs consulted him too.  - Why Didn't They Ask Evans?
  • Anne, longing for adventure, jumps at the chance offered by her father's solicitor to live with him and his wife in London.  - The Man in the Brown Suit
  • The story begins with Arthur Kipps, a retired solicitor who formerly worked for mr Bentley.  - The Woman in Black
  • Through Li's contacts, Bond successfully travels and meets General Wong in Guangzhou under the guise of a solicitor from England.  - Zero Minus Ten
  • Renfield (Dwight Frye) is a solicitor traveling to Count Dracula's (Bela Lugosi) castle in Transylvania on a business matter.  - Dracula (1931 English-language film)
  • He teams up with an incompetent solicitor to try to prevent the deaths of others involved.  - My Learned Friend
  • Despard engages a solicitor for himself and for Anne.  - Cards on the Table
  • Wimsey is asked by his friend, Mr Murbles, the solicitor for the Fentiman family, to help solve the puzzle.  - The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
  • The ex-priest was treated for mental illness and then expelled from Portugal to become a solicitor in Belgium.  - Pope John Paul II

Meaning of "solicitor" in English

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Meaning of "solicitor" in Hindi

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