How to use "solitude" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "solitude" in popular movie and book plots

  • This concludes with sadness, as he recalls the solitude and emptiness of his life.  - To Hell with the Goddamn Spring
  • Though merely playful to begin with, proximity and solitude combine to tempt them, and Madhavi, in a moment of weakness falls prey to lust.  - Edakallu Guddada Mele
  • A new found self-confidence allows her to emerge from her solitude and embrace her friends' happiness.  - P.S. I Love You (film)
  • A skilled healer, Clorin has chosen to live in solitude near the grave of her first love.  - The Faithful Shepherdess
  • His solitude is interrupted by a group of college students having a drunken party.  - Nature Girl (novel)
  • Ruth's solitude is broken by Carl Winfield, a fellow journalist, who is staying in town at the suggestion of their mutual boss.  - Lavender and Old Lace
  • Wolverine, meanwhile, leaves the X-Men in an attempt to find solitude in Canada.  - Cold Vengeance
  • She misses a class, instead finding solitude at a stream in the forest, a secret place that Dorrien had shown her.  - The High Lord
  • His solitude is broken by Guenevere and her entourage.  - Camelot (film)
  • When she leaves, he is pleased by his solitude and ability to read the books.  - The Damnation of Theron Ware
  • By stumbling upon this lonely cabin in the woods, the men have shattered 33 years of solitude in Jeremiah's world.  - A Crack in the Floor
  • Mrs Bidduplh is described as a widow who bought the house to seek solitude to recover from the death of her husband.  - Dr. Terror's House of Horrors
  • No longer motivated, Nicola's mother quits her teaching job and lives a life in solitude in Rome.  - The Best of Youth
  • Once hired, Jack plans to use the hotel's solitude to write.  - The Shining (film)
  • Johann loves the peace and solitude of the resort, but returns home no stronger than before.  - Buddenbrooks
  • In his solitude he begins to doubt his existence – his language, his appearance, and his mind.  - Rhinoceros (play)

Meaning of "solitude" in English

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Meaning of "solitude" in Hindi

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