How to use "soothing" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "soothing" in popular movie and book plots

  • The ewe chooses Mune instead, a carefree and shy little faun who is good at soothing people's dreams.  - Mune: Guardian of the Moon
  • The play ends with him once more soothing Viola over the phone.  - Big Fish, Little Fish (play)
  • When Emma tells Regina something’s off with Henry, Regina replies that Emma forgets that Regina had 10 years of soothing him.  - The New Neverland
  • After rough sex with her, he appears to take an interest in soothing her in a calm loving manner.  - Fearful Pranks Ensue
  • But Peter still wants Anna Montz to be his wife, and storms out of the room, despite mothers soothing tone, and a warning of not to panic.  - The Youth of Peter the Great
  • Jacob van Oppen is an uncontrollable titan of impressive dimensions who can only be appeased by the soft soothing melody of "Lili Marleen".  - Bad Day to Go Fishing
  • Even little children practice mind-blocking and eat soothing Wissenberries to dissociate from forbidden emotions.  - Below the Root (novel)
  • With the Red Cherufe, they must play soothing music on the violin to put him to sleep as they pass.  - The New Brighton Archeological Society
  • Swapner Feriwala is a soothing fantasy in the pursuit of the last magical charms in our modern, urban lives.  - Swapner Feriwala
  • A baby in utero is seen, with the mother's voice heard soothing it.  - Inside (2007 film)
  • Liz soothes him in dragonsong, the ancient soothing method Guinevere used on the ancient dragon Gawain.  - Fire Star (novel)
  • As Ray's relationship blossoms, he begins to resent taking his pills, preferring to trust in the soothing properties of love.  - Some Voices (film)
  • Tom hurriedly plays Brahms's Lullaby on a soothing violin to cause the king to fall asleep again.  - Royal Cat Nap
  • He saved her life a second time by soothing her back to health instead of killing her to end her suffering.  - As Birds Bring Forth the Sun and Other Stories
  • During his stay, he meets his childhood friend , a soothing and gentle girl whose father has died.  - Snow (visual novel)
  • Inhaling the soothing contents of a pipe, Alice falls asleep in dr Yang's rooms.  - Alice (1990 film)

Meaning of "soothing" in English

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Meaning of "soothing" in Hindi

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