How to use "soothsayer" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "soothsayer" in popular movie and book plots

  • Already vengeful against Gotrek and Felix, Thanquol is alarmed by a soothsayer who claims the dwarf and his magic axe will be Thanquol's doom.  - Skavenslayer
  • As soon as his soothsayer announces that the signs are positive, a bolt of lightning strikes a tree that falls on him.  - Sign of the Pagan
  • Pharinet visits a soothsayer who predicts the miscarriage of her child.  - Sea Dragon Heir
  • But the soothsayer Tia Dalma has other plans for the Lords and cannot allow them to be destroyed.  - Pirates of the Caribbean: Legends of the Brethren Court
  • One day, a soothsayer said he would one day become the penultimate Emperor of China.  - The Misadventure of Zoo
  • He meets a holy soothsayer who foretells his destiny, which is to liberate the poor and oppressed against a tyrannical government.  - The Blood of Hussain
  • While Hercules is walking through the village, Hercules is warned by a soothsayer to leave.  - Protean Challenge
  • The sequence of events lead to a soothsayer predicting to Vanaja that she will be a great dancer.  - Vanaja (film)
  • While the Gauls come to grips with this, a major storm sweeps over the village and a soothsayer named Prolix seeks shelter with them.  - Asterix and the Big Fight (film)
  • Xenophon bluntly indicates that the soothsayer assisting the king foresaw "a most terrible conspiracy".  - Conspiracy of Cinadon
  • Asterix alone correctly identifies the soothsayer as a charlatan.  - Asterix and the Soothsayer

Meaning of "soothsayer" in English

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Meaning of "soothsayer" in Hindi

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