How to use "sovereignty" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sovereignty" in popular movie and book plots

  • Its arrival brings many challenges to the fledgling administration and threatens the sovereignty of Greater Fallowfields itself.  - A Cruel Bird Came to the Nest and Looked In
  • ”; The emperor, then, threw himself on the chair: he was happy, he was proud and was finally free to leave now; his sovereignty was over.  - Chuang Tse and the First Emperor
  • Mok claims that their joint-venture will bring Wu a good career perspective even after the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong.  - Her Fatal Ways
  • Gold is discovered in the Black Hills and the Sioux expect the sovereignty of their territory to be respected because of an earlier treaty.  - The Savage (1952 film)
  • Jean-Marc Leblanc is a bureaucrat and a once passionate supporter of the Quebec sovereignty movement.  - Days of Darkness (2007 Canadian film)
  • Some Glints took to sailing, and as "Sea Nationals", claimed sovereignty over the ocean.  - Maske: Thaery
  • They persuade the Argentines to co-ordinate an invasion of the islands citing the Argentine sovereignty over them.  - Ghost Force
  • He and his students actively participate in demonstrations against policies that were detrimental to the sovereignty of Pakistan.  - The Reluctant Fundamentalist
  • While the Race considers total annihilation or continuing hostilities, the humans make a stand for the sovereignty of the planet.  - Worldwar: Striking the Balance
  • The game is set around the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997.  - Hong Kong 97 (video game)
  • The film is set in China in the late 19th century during the Qing dynasty, when Chinese sovereignty is being eroded by foreign imperialism.  - Once Upon a Time in China III
  • Kaneda and his friends confront them, declaring the city's sovereignty as the Great Tokyo Empire and warning them that Akira still lives.  - Akira (manga)

Meaning of "sovereignty" in English

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Meaning of "sovereignty" in Hindi

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