How to use "sown" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sown" in popular movie and book plots

  • He decides to exploit the panic that he has sown by taking a loaf of bread to the kru.  - The World Menders
  • In her soul, the seed of contempt which were sown will blossom as its greatest strength of vengeance to repay all the damage they caused.  - El desprecio (2006 telenovela)
  • Uhtred assaults the fort and scales the ditch, using sails with ropes sown into them to provide sure footing on the slippery ditch.  - The Burning Land
  • Janie describes the dream to Fran and concludes that the drugs are sown inside the life jackets on the drug dealer's yacht.  - Wake (McMann novel)
  • The seeds of suspicion are sown here, which the couple are never able to weed out.  - Dev.D
  • The civil unrest eases as the crops that Reginald has ordered to be sown are ripening and are being successfully protected by soldiers.  - St. Leon (novel)
  • On the surface it is spring, and a new crop of Plants have been sown by the mysterious aliens.  - The Genocides
  • Act Three returns us to 1919 and we see how the seeds of the downfall of the Conways were being sown even then.  - Time and the Conways
  • He had sown the letter to the Czarina in the hat and is anxious to get it back.  - The Lost Letter: A Tale Told by the Sexton of the N...Church

Meaning of "sown" in English

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Meaning of "sown" in Hindi

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