How to use "spawn" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spawn" in popular movie and book plots

  • Their new weapons were able to spawn them new armor as well, and they held Saref off while Abet, Rebecca, and Unico escaped.  - Pikyaw
  • One of the gifts that the amber gave Styx was the ability to spawn clones of himself.  - Styx: Master of Shadows
  • To pursue your enemy, you must spawn any object that you can ride or sit on.  - Super Scribblenauts
  • They embrace their mother, causing her to scream in pain as demonic like beings spawn from under her, dragging her down through the floor.  - Pilot (Supernatural)
  • The pills use latent body fat to parthenogenetically create small white aliens called Adipose that spawn at night and leave the host's body.  - Partners in Crime (Doctor Who)
  • The smaller ones seem to be spawn given off by the adult monster.  - The Deadly Spawn
  • There are five of these Bhaalspawn which survive the initial spawning process during which many spawn are slaughtered without mercy.  - Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (novel)
  • Davidow's body begins to spawn duplicate parts: a hand, a torso and more from wounds that miraculously heal.  - The Joining (The Outer Limits)
  • Holley believes Marlo killed the witness and goes on to describe him as "the spawn of the devil".  - Marlo Stanfield
  • Wesley, in the meantime, discovers that Cordelia carries the spawn of a Haxil demon.  - Expecting (Angel)
  • Phillips reveals himself to be a hermaphrodite and wishes to spawn a new species with his "brother".  - God Told Me To
  • The creatures spawn a giant, white version of themselves, which begins attacking them.  - Project Firestart
  • Bigfoot appears, and absconds with its dead spawn as Nugent and the others barricade themselves in Wanda's cabin.  - Night of the Demon (1980 film)
  • Research notes further reveal a wealth of information on the worm spawn from the queen.  - Realms of Arkania: Shadows over Riva

Meaning of "spawn" in English

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Meaning of "spawn" in Hindi

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