How to use "specialty" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "specialty" in popular movie and book plots

  • The agents track Carcosa's disturbing sex paraphernalia to a specialty shop in Salem, Massachusetts.  - Neonomicon
  • Ichito even sometimes diagnoses patients out of his area of specialty and sometimes goes days without sleeping.  - Kamisama no Karute
  • In the year 00 2161, a new medical specialty has been developed, known as "Mind Sculpting".  - A Work of Art
  • Finally, Harry guesses that Alex is selling the Alorex to the North Koreans for heroin, a specialty of Craig's.  - Bullet to Beijing
  • But Linda is actually evidence of divine providence, because her scientific specialty is radiation.  - The Prodigal Planet
  • Apollo believed that organizing a militia was Anders's specialty back on Caprica, but Anders argues his militia conducted hit-and-run attacks.  - The Eye of Jupiter (Battlestar Galactica)
  • Furthermore, Kalmus' specialty is business law, not criminal law, and he might not have the needed background.  - Gambit (novel)
  • When Fanis was 7 years old, his grandfather Vassilis was an owner of a general store with a specialty in spices.  - A Touch of Spice
  • ", to be published in the German "Physiological Annals" (though his official academic specialty is Chemistry).  - The Begum's Fortune
  • Much to Falco's annoyance, he is also to escort an ex-slave named Xanthus into Germany as well, whose specialty is hairdressing.  - The Iron Hand of Mars
  • The group also includes Nefer, whose specialty is farm animals, and Flavius, a technician.  - In the Garden of Iden
  • Jedson's specialty is "one season" clothing which is not intended to be hard-wearing.  - Magic, Inc.
  • A grim man runs a coffin shop with many specialty coffins.  - Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django
  • Udo orders the restaurant owner to prepare Nick the specialty of the house, and walks out.  - Kiss of Death (1947 film)
  • He makes his living as a consulting engineer, with a specialty in fine motor skills.  - Waldo (short story)
  • Their specialty is communication and negotiation.  - The Mote in God's Eye

Meaning of "specialty" in English

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Meaning of "specialty" in Hindi

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