How to use "specimen" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "specimen" in popular movie and book plots

  • Rachel, with all her grizzly bear might, manages to make a single, tiny crack in one of the specimen tubes.  - The Extreme (novel)
  • In the same light, they are intrigued by the Earthman, abducting him to become a specimen in their museum.  - The Pnume
  • Then, he proceeds to reveal himself and his intentions for collecting Joan as his specimen in front of everyone.  - Doctor X (film)
  • Dr Ramakrishnan chooses Jothy's sister and E's grandmother as specimen for the test.  - E (film)
  • Griffin releases Fitz, but Fitz then attacks Griffin and traps him in his dimensionally transcendental specimen box.  - Unnatural History (novel)
  • Their first subject, "Thor," is a specimen from a suicide found in the desert.  - Mind Ripper
  • Bringing the specimen back to the United States, Watterman's son and girlfriend name it Arnold.  - Munchies (film)
  • However, Mammy brings forth her "Yokumberry Tonic," the substance that has made Abner the handsome, muscular, strapping specimen that he is.  - Li'l Abner (1959 film)
  • Scott is initially skeptical about the children's alien claims, but they convince him that he is the perfect specimen for the job.  - Can of Worms (film)
  • Agatha and Emily wonder what specimen the Count is as they watch him take the plunge.  - Transylvania 6-5000 (1963 film)
  • The novel follows Cowl, a human male that was genetically engineered to be the perfect specimen of human evolution.  - Cowl (novel)
  • He hunts for a suitable specimen at a burlesque nightclub, on the streets, and at a beauty contest.  - The Brain That Wouldn't Die
  • Numerous other rats quickly emerge, one of which is a bigger black specimen whom he names Ben.  - Willard (1971 film)
  • Blevins rides a huge bay horse that is far too fine a specimen to be the property of a runaway boy, but Blevins insists it is his.  - All the Pretty Horses (novel)
  • Bridget initially refuses, declaring that Daniel Cleaver a "deceitful, sexist, disgusting specimen of humanity".  - Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (film)
  • Some fossils of Cambrian age show signs of the use of tools to carve a specimen for food.  - At the Mountains of Madness

Meaning of "specimen" in English

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Meaning of "specimen" in Hindi

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