How to use "spectator" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spectator" in popular movie and book plots

  • The show focuses on the character of Common Man who is a silent spectator of marching time.  - R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya
  • Martindale, having himself been at the charity ball, finds himself to be a chance spectator of the reunion.  - My Life with Caroline
  • So instead of heading off to the start of the race, he rushes to Francine at the spectator seats, revealing himself to her as a horse.  - Don't Look a Smith Horse in the Mouth
  • The spectator is advised of the real events on which the movie is based.  - The Quality of Mercy (film)
  • One spectator is injured and a child is almost eaten by boar-wolf.  - Omen (Star Wars novel)
  • A spectator is shot during a performance at London's Windmill Theatre, causing the Metropolitan police to investigate.  - Murder at the Windmill
  • Baseball of the 19th century was America's most popular spectator sport.  - Signs of the Time (film)
  • It is for the spectator to figure out how a good person can possibly come to a good end in a world that, in essence, is not good.  - The Good Person of Szechwan
  • Her father scared of annoying her mother plays a spectator to all the evil happenings.  - The Long Road Home (novel)
  • He decides at that moment to remain a spectator and then hides behind a bush to relieve himself.  - The Foretelling
  • Moe then spots a woman spectator holding a bottle of Wild Hyacinth and gets it from her.  - Grips, Grunts and Groans
  • Since everything is now permitted, nothing is exciting, and even the popular violent spectator sport of "rollerball" is treated as.  - 2001 & A Bit
  • The remaining players join forces with spectator gangs in the stands, including one called the Wongs and even Emilio.  - The Wanderers (1979 film)
  • When a spectator goes to throw a stone at Waller, Mike intervenes, and a fight starts, which soon involves Psmith and a mob; the friends flee.  - Psmith in the City
  • He is a mere spectator – unable to make a mark or stand up for himself.  - Raag Darbari (novel)
  • Just when it appears Victor will reach the time clock first, a spectator shouts that her "baby" has fallen into the water.  - The Cannonball Run

Meaning of "spectator" in English

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Meaning of "spectator" in Hindi

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