How to use "speculative" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "speculative" in popular movie and book plots

  • The film recounts a fraud case, on the basis of the speculative bubble on the price of sugar in 1974.  - Le Sucre
  • As science develops on the world, Fantasie evolves from a fantasy magazine to including speculative fiction stories.  - Tatja Grimm's World
  • Mike is expanding his work from psychotherapy to exploring speculative religious practice with his patients.  - Love & Sleep
  • Like Duane's other Star Trek novels, it incorporates both real physics and speculative extensions thereof to support the plot.  - The Wounded Sky
  • This sort of synthesis of modes of speculative fiction (and of MacGuffins) is typical of Powers's combined-science-fiction-and-fantasy novels.  - Three Days to Never
  • In the speculative future described by the novel, a new field of science, Gaiaology, has come into existence, based on the Gaia Hypothesis.  - Lovelock (novel)
  • Ratliff is established as a gossipmonger, a speculative capitalist, a traveler.  - The Hamlet
  • This is speculative fiction based on the concept of trepanation.  - Homunculus (manga)
  • He convinces Beaky to finance a hugely speculative land development scheme.  - Suspicion (1941 film)

Meaning of "speculative" in English

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Meaning of "speculative" in Hindi

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