How to use "speechless" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "speechless" in popular movie and book plots

  • The interns are speechless when a woman comes in with a large, record-breaking tumor, but unfortunately for the woman, her outlook isn't good.  - If Tomorrow Never Comes (Grey's Anatomy)
  • Looking down at the man again, he sees a face "distorted with speechless entreaty", and recognises his father.  - Come Rack! Come Rope!
  • He becomes speechless after seeing his wife, who watch and talk to him like a complete stranger.  - Innale
  • Lucinda and Jane are speechless when they behold the vandalism in their house.  - The Tale of Two Bad Mice
  • When Ishaan's parents meet his teachers on the last day of school they are left speechless by the transformation they see in him.  - Taare Zameen Par
  • The Japanese have a listening device in the cell when Greenbaum (Sam Levene) repeats what the speechless Clinton writes.  - The Purple Heart
  • Hacker is speechless as his civil servants remind him that it was his idea.  - The Moral Dimension
  • When she finally tells him, he is shocked speechless for a very long time and she runs away into a bombing raid.  - Gaby (film)
  • Stringer lets Avon up from the ground, and Avon walks away and sits down, speechless as the screen fades to black.  - Moral Midgetry
  • Again they are both surprised and were speechless when they saw each other.  - Kadhalar Dhinam
  • Lee is speechless with amazement and ends this conversation very quickly.  - Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes
  • Biji is paralysed and speechless after a stroke, and Sita and Radha must constantly attend to her.  - Fire (1996 film)
  • Clive is left speechless and unable to comprehend.  - Maurice (novel)
  • Feng leaves Hong's bedside speechless for he knows Hong is right.  - Ashes of Time
  • " leaving Dante speechless on the floor.  - Clerks
  • He and Rachel share a long, speechless stare on the porch, as both realize their feelings for each other could not continue.  - Witness (1985 film)

Meaning of "speechless" in English

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Meaning of "speechless" in Hindi

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