How to use "spherical" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spherical" in popular movie and book plots

  • Jupiter V is discovered to be a spherical metal vehicle with a diameter of 30 kilometers.  - Jupiter Five
  • The angle of entry and the perfectly spherical nature of the wound rule out most of the weapons familiar to Langley.  - The First Deadly Sin
  • Eventually, the robot begins laying metallic spherical eggs, which hatch into smaller versions of the machine.  - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters
  • A hole in the spherical artifact is pouring out lethal radiation.  - Inconstant Star
  • The mosasaur soon arrives and gets crushed under the spherical lab when it rolls on the ocean floor.  - Meg: Hell's Aquarium
  • In mathematical terms, she has entered an alternate dimension defined by the functions known as spherical harmonics.  - Spherical Harmonic
  • Days later, Noah returns home to find large holes in the walls and doors of his house and large, spherical casts on his father's hands.  - Flush (novel)
  • Eventually, a large spherical electromagnetic pulse erupts throwing Jeremy into a mud puddle and everyone else to the ground.  - Powder (film)
  • The Doctor deduces it is a robot, controlled by a missing spherical unit from its chest cavity.  - The Abominable Snowmen
  • In another part of the swamp, Tahu encounters an enormous spherical structure embedded in a fallen stalactite.  - Bionicle Legends
  • He does this by using a machine that makes him a spherical ball, allowing for the pinball action of the game.  - Mario Pinball Land
  • The mechanic, Kato, creates a spherical robot and gives it the ironic name of Cube.  - Live A Live
  • In a large cargo hold, the team discovers a mysterious spherical object that is clearly of extraterrestrial origin.  - Sphere (novel)
  • Cavor has already built a spherical spaceship for this purpose, taking Arnold and (accidentally) Kate with him.  - First Men in the Moon (1964 film)
  • When he regains consciousness he finds himself in a metallic spherical spacecraft en route to a planet called Malacandra.  - Out of the Silent Planet
  • Just as they are surrounded, a large, spherical spaceship appears and descends into the crater.  - Starman (film)

Meaning of "spherical" in English

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Meaning of "spherical" in Hindi

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