How to use "spiritual" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spiritual" in popular movie and book plots

  • A deep, painful physical scar results, fueling the spiritual rage that Jacques will always feels towards the whites and army posts.  - Centennial (miniseries)
  • Julie eventually discovers that Amanda, the talking Sponge, is very likely God, and her spiritual (if not physiological) mother.  - Only Begotten Daughter
  • Investigators later revealed al-Ghozi's ties with Abu Bakar Bashir, the alleged spiritual head of Jemaah Islamiyah.  - Singapore embassies attack plot
  • It is clear that Tom wants to succeed his aging father, a physician, as the moral and spiritual leader of the town.  - Dogville
  • As a result, he is repeatedly mistaken for a man named Rinehart, known as a lover, a hipster, a gambler, a briber, and a spiritual leader.  - Invisible Man
  • The game turns into a spiritual war between Danny's Hasidic and Reuven's Modern Orthodox yeshivas.  - The Chosen (Potok novel)
  • The family relationships and plot situations were written more realistically than other shows with spiritual themes.  - Joan of Arcadia
  • Stefan is torn between his affection for both women and is at the same time on a spiritual quest.  - The Forbidden Forest
  • The woman, Abagail Freemantle—better known as "Mother Abagail"—becomes the spiritual leader for the survivors.  - The Stand
  • During a trip to India, Ruth Barron has a spiritual awakening and embraces the teachings of a guru named Baba.  - Holy Smoke!
  • They have chosen spiritual health over convenience, and the traveler is surprised but intrigued by this notion.  - Dreams (1990 film)
  • Besides, the number 12 is of symbolic importance in the Kabbalah which, according to Lowry, represents "man's spiritual aspirations".  - Under the Volcano
  • Levin continues working on his estate, a setting closely tied to his spiritual thoughts and struggles.  - Anna Karenina
  • In his moral and spiritual confusion, Pierre joins the Freemasons.  - War and Peace
  • Kosti's influence encourages Larry to look toward things spiritual for his answers rather than in books.  - The Razor's Edge
  • The spiritual power of the Masamune later allows him to lift Kid from her coma.  - Chrono Cross

Meaning of "spiritual" in English

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Meaning of "spiritual" in Hindi

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