How to use "spiritually" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spiritually" in popular movie and book plots

  • The game's story opens in the town of Astholm, which is spiritually protected by a sapphire wielded by the priestess Firis.  - Just Breed
  • Bin Bin chooses to sing Ren Xiao Yao, a pop song about being spiritually free through love.  - Unknown Pleasures (film)
  • Emotionally and spiritually irresponsible, she sought the succor of drugs to alleviate the pressure of rearing her children.  - I Know I've Been Changed
  • Following the unusual experience, Lloyd tells Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) that he killed the patient due to being spiritually possessed.  - Sanguinarium
  • The values which the Johnsons instill in her become a part of her, and we see her grow spiritually as she accepts Christ as her Saviour.  - Elizabeth Gail Dobbs
  • A Bajoran priest, Porta, murders a fellow priest because his ancestors were morticians and thus he was spiritually unclean.  - Accession (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • A young girl is spiritually torn apart by forces beyond her control.  - The End of Innocence (film)
  • We see her gradual degradation physically and spiritually as she goes from one lover to another.  - Das Mirakel (1912 film)
  • They approach Kusanagi with this information, explaining that the incident at Mount Fuji shows that Asagi is spiritually linked with Gamera.  - Gamera: Guardian of the Universe
  • Fa Hoi is later seen meditating, apparently being haunted by sins of the human mind and is being punished spiritually for his mistake.  - Green Snake
  • The book demonstrates the relationship each human being has to time, and thus spiritually affirms Einstein's theory of relativity.  - Einstein's Dreams
  • Those that love another spiritually derive many benefits from the relationship which continue down to old age (818).  - Symposium (Xenophon)
  • Much of Tharian society centers around keeping the city clean, spiritually and physically, as all death in Tharios is believed to be unclean.  - Shatterglass
  • Philip agrees as the priory has become financially and spiritually destitute under Prior James, and he believes he can correct that.  - The Pillars of the Earth
  • Siddhartha decides to live out the rest of his life in the presence of the spiritually inspirational river.  - Siddhartha (novel)
  • However, Dudley's mission is not to help construct a cathedral, but to spiritually guide Henry and the people around him.  - The Bishop's Wife

Meaning of "spiritually" in English

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Meaning of "spiritually" in Hindi

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