How to use "spiteful" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spiteful" in popular movie and book plots

  • Paula becomes spiteful and tells him Juan that she never loved him and just flirted with him to make Cesar Luis jealous.  - Yo amo a Juan Querendón
  • In the process, Cady unwittingly remakes herself in Regina's image, becoming spiteful and superficial, and abandons Janis and Damian.  - Mean Girls
  • Jake acquires the Howler and quickly morphs to peregrine falcon, pulling to safety with a spiteful quip as the Howler plummets to its death.  - The Attack (novel)
  • At the same time, she is spiteful of what she considers her deformed body made so for the job.  - Under the Skin (novel)
  • The king invites everyone to the christening, except his sister Princess Makemnoit, a spiteful and sour woman.  - The Light Princess
  • His son Claude appears as a cold and unforgiving prosecuting lawyer, who revels in spiteful repartee.  - Providence (1977 film)
  • With Charles encouraged in domestic tyranny by his spiteful fiancée, Miss Eugenia Wraxton, Sophy and Charles begin a battle of wills.  - The Grand Sophy
  • The Del Juncos', with exception of spiteful Matilde are taken by the young man.  - El derecho de nacer (1981 telenovela)
  • Repeatedly spurned by the man she claims to love, a spiteful Marylee threatens to implicate Mitch in Kyle's death.  - Written on the Wind
  • Back in Philip's home, a spiteful Weebo unleashes Flubber from his case, allowing him to dance around the house and cause general mayhem.  - Flubber (film)
  • A hideous, vindictive, spiteful couple known as the Twits live together in a brick house without windows.  - The Twits
  • This package was Clara's spiteful engagement gift, which the boy had secretly unearthed and read the night of the party.  - Birth (film)
  • Sharon is a spiteful coke-headed hooker.  - Triggerfish Twist
  • She then leaves, without telling her spiteful husband, to comfort the dying Ralph in England, where she remains until his death.  - The Portrait of a Lady
  • Connor is the unappreciated assistant to spiteful Delilah Profitt, the paper's editor-in-chief and head cheerleader.  - The Faculty
  • However, her spiteful side is shown when she belittles them and threatens Crooks to have him lynched.  - Of Mice and Men

Meaning of "spiteful" in English

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Meaning of "spiteful" in Hindi

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