How to use "spore" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spore" in popular movie and book plots

  • Dr Lin has discovered a spore that kills a fungal pathogen of the rice plant, potentially leading to a cure for global hunger.  - Operation Starvation (novel)
  • Meanwhile, a second, larger, wingless MUTO emerges from the other spore in Nevada and devastates Las Vegas.  - Godzilla (2014 film)
  • They release a spore inside the building.  - Fluorescent Black (comics)
  • When Daniel brought back a Starro spore from an attack in Paris, the alien invader used Rip to take over the world.  - Booster Gold (comic book)
  • The cosmic spore grows into a giant, lizard-like creature dubbed "Guilala".  - The X from Outer Space
  • Ben and dr Stephen Galeano, a biologist, discover how the spore takes over the brain during REM sleep.  - The Invasion (film)
  • They discover that the KGB have created a type of spore that causes humans to mutate into monsters.  - Destroy All Humans! 2
  • and is placed in a beach house along with his niece and Agent Chance to develop a spore antidote.  - Agent for H.A.R.M.
  • The moon-side orientation program secretly explains why: a native spore soon invades the human body and causes genetic mutations.  - Crystal Singer
  • In a post-credits scene back on Hillys, a DomZ spore grows on Pey'j's hand.  - Beyond Good & Evil (video game)

Meaning of "spore" in English

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Meaning of "spore" in Hindi

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