How to use "spot" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spot" in popular movie and book plots

  • The ball player then notices a spot on his jacket, for which the woman just happens to have cleaner.  - What You Need (The Twilight Zone)
  • This makes it easy to spot another member of the Church in the outside world.  - Survivor (Palahniuk novel)
  • As they move out, they spot a relief column of clean, well-equipped soldiers marching toward Bastogne.  - Battleground (film)
  • However, when they spot a cane inside that looks just like Kris's, he is not so sure.  - Miracle on 34th Street
  • As the two joke about eating one another to survive, they spot land in the distance.  - Road to Morocco
  • Jim drives back home and finds Judy waiting at the same spot where they met that morning (she greets him with "Hello, Jamie").  - Rebel Without a Cause
  • Trudy Kockenlocker (Betty Hutton) is a small-town girl with a soft spot for soldiers.  - The Miracle of Morgan's Creek
  • She insists on homesteading, at the spot where her parents died.  - How the West Was Won (film)
  • With a free spot in Gregorio's fishing detail, Keaty moves in to take Richard's place.  - The Beach (novel)
  • Sandra lures Wilbur to a quiet spot in the woods and attempts to bite him, but Chick and Larry approach and she flees.  - Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
  • That night as the children walk home, they spot the old house which has been renovated.  - Rigoletto (film)
  • George meets Lennie at the place, their camping spot before they came to the ranch.  - Of Mice and Men
  • She shares her suspicions with Frank, who met Jane and the Campbells at a vacation spot a year earlier, and he apparently agrees with her.  - Emma (novel)
  • During the year 1866, ships of several nations spot a mysterious sea monster, which some suggest to be a giant narwhal.  - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  • The Leonov crew flees Jupiter as a mysterious dark spot appears on Jupiter and begins to grow.  - 2010: Odyssey Two
  • He finds a small blue spot on her chest and speaks privately with her father, only asking that Laura never be unattended.  - Carmilla

Meaning of "spot" in English

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Meaning of "spot" in Hindi

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