How to use "spouse" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spouse" in popular movie and book plots

  • As their relationship disintegrates and the possibility of discovery grows, Laren decides to poison her spouse with Kristin's assistance.  - Lies My Mother Told Me
  • Josepha is about to run away and for that purpose she steals money from her spouse who catches and hits her.  - Toni (1935 film)
  • He is told he should remarry so his new spouse can be the primary beneficiary; however, no one specifies who he has to marry.  - I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry
  • Scotland boasts of many distinguished descendants from Henry Gow and his spouse the Fair Maid of Perth.  - The Fair Maid of Perth
  • She kills her spouse Brian, steals a petrol tanker, and drives it into Matt's new school in a desperate attempt to kill him.  - Evil Star (novel)
  • As the death of a second spouse so soon after the first would be highly suspicious, he is powerless to do anything.  - Cast a Dark Shadow
  • Smitten by his beauty, Lichas takes Encolpius as his spouse in a wedding ceremony blessed by his wife, Tryphaena.  - Fellini Satyricon
  • The show is about how two people get married and how one spouse ends up involved in the murder of the other spouse.  - 'Til Death Do Us Part (U.S. TV series)
  • By gambling with his life for his spouse and his child, his heartfelt loyalty emerges.  - Trap of Gold
  • The film ends with Emira winning Frankie's estate, although Elizabeth was named the legal surviving spouse of Frankie Lymon.  - Why Do Fools Fall in Love (film)
  • A fifty-one-year-old college professor and writer, he left his spouse for a young co-ed and the co-ed has left him.  - A Winter Haunting
  • He is seen leaving his house, berating his spouse as a shrew and a harpy, promising that she shall have good cause for her jealousy.  - Menaechmi
  • The settlement hinges on an Irish castle, Caisleán Cloiche, or "Rock Castle," that each spouse wants.  - Laws of Attraction
  • People are taught from birth to avoid personal contact, and live on huge estates, either alone or with their spouse only.  - The Naked Sun
  • At the funeral, Ludovic's father arrives and extends his condolences; he too lost his spouse recently.  - Cousin Cousine
  • Each has a spouse who works and often leaves them alone on overtime shifts.  - In the Mood for Love

Meaning of "spouse" in English

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Meaning of "spouse" in Hindi

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