How to use "spray" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spray" in popular movie and book plots

  • A young man spray paints a wall of a construction site as a demon taunts him from the shadows and then attacks the frightened man.  - Same Time, Same Place
  • Everything within a 150-mile radius would be destroyed and the impact would also spray molten rock another 70 miles.  - Asteroid (film)
  • Bart is able to utilize a variety of weapons in the game, including a burp gun, a slingshot, spray paint, and water balloons.  - The Simpsons: Bart's House of Weirdness
  • The next day dawns with repair people in the home to fix a broken television and spray for bugs.  - Mr. Mom
  • The two desperately team up to prank call Sophie and launch a pepper spray attack on Super Hans, who has begun a relationship with Toni.  - Peep Show (TV series)
  • Later, as Marge is about to leave the house, Homer gives her some pepper spray and some tips on how to handle an attacker.  - Strong Arms of the Ma
  • Mary and Cassandra are initially the prime suspects, and to their shock the spray cans are found in their lockers.  - Saved!
  • Max is confronted by a gang of bullies, who hold him on the bathroom floor and spray paint his outline.  - Kazaam
  • The plants spray sap on her as she walks by, and a bit of it gets on her hand.  - Planet of the Daleks
  • They follow Godzilla to Iwa Island, trap him with their silk spray and he falls into the sea.  - Mothra vs. Godzilla
  • After the game, Buttermaker gives them non-alcoholic beer, and they spray it all over each other.  - Bad News Bears
  • ", after which the Bears spray beers all over each other as if they had won the game.  - The Bad News Bears
  • Kenny and Tracy then head into the subway, where they meet up with Lee, Ramon and Luis spray painting an abandoned station platform.  - Beat Street
  • They bathe him (like at his grandmother's villa) and spray him with powder, but a rejected showgirl starts a rebellion.  -
  • Tetsuro bursts in on them in their meeting hall and cuts them down with a spray of gunfire.  - Galaxy Express 999
  • Chuck is wakened by the spray of a sounding whale, sees Wilson, and swims after him, but Wilson has gone too far to safely retrieve.  - Cast Away

Meaning of "spray" in English

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Meaning of "spray" in Hindi

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