How to use "sprig" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sprig" in popular movie and book plots

  • Dame Clementina has a daughter, Nan, who one day picks a sprig of dill.  - The Pot of Gold and Other Stories
  • But in a small gold casket with a glass lid Hugh keeps in front of him a dried sprig of rosemary.  - By the Gods Beloved
  • He rushes back to Jefferson, where Drusilla, in her yellow ball gown with a sprig of verbena in her hair, seems almost a priestess of revenge.  - The Unvanquished
  • Ma Soupswill, the cook, is delighted to help, but Cooper must retrieve three ingredients: Glowworms, a giant egg, and a sprig of dungweed.  - Grabbed by the Ghoulies

Meaning of "sprig" in English

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Meaning of "sprig" in Hindi

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