How to use "spruce" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "spruce" in popular movie and book plots

  • Again, Bella is told that she did not bring the right kind of tree home as this time it is a spruce tree, although they decorate it anyway.  - Bella's Tree
  • Together they spruce up Kim's hotel, rename it, hire Taffy to perform and give the Flamingo a run for its money.  - The Girl Rush
  • So they rent a rather squalid apartment, spruce it up, and assemble a plan to raise enough money to live on until the day of the big audition.  - Fast Forward (film)
  • The Red Dwarf crew boldly spruce themselves up to respond to the call.  - Kryten (Red Dwarf)
  • On top of the hill, Joseph cuts down a spruce tree, and as it rolls down, the soldiers get caught in it.  - Simpsons Christmas Stories

Meaning of "spruce" in English

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Meaning of "spruce" in Hindi

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