How to use "squalid" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "squalid" in popular movie and book plots

  • Though paid for his services, Bryan is tired of the squalid life he is living in Mexico and is considering offering his services to Cuba.  - The Treasure of Pancho Villa
  • Justine dreams of a life beyond her squalid refugee camp where all technology is taboo.  - Pulse 3: Invasion
  • Marianne's mother dies, poor and friendless, living in squalid surroundings in Grimsby.  - Between Two Seas
  • Paul Latour is a prisoner of war in Germany and his wife Marie lives hand-to-mouth with their two children in a squalid flat.  - Story of Women
  • So they rent a rather squalid apartment, spruce it up, and assemble a plan to raise enough money to live on until the day of the big audition.  - Fast Forward (film)
  • Dougal wonders which caravan is theirs, with Ted realizing it is the small, squalid model at the other end.  - Hell (Father Ted)
  • "They are a bunch of seedy squalid bastards like me, little drunkards, queers, henpecked husbands.  - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (film)
  • While Hélène is at her squalid apartment, dr Deberle pays a medical call.  - Une page d'amour
  • They endure squalid living conditions and are punished mercilessly for the slightest missteps in their duties.  - The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968 film)
  • The Ds find her on Captain Flint's houseboat where Timothy has been living in somewhat squalid circumstances.  - The Picts and the Martyrs
  • After shopping one day, Stella returns to the pair's squalid studio flat to be found by police and taken back to her husband and son.  - Asylum (2005 film)
  • They take him to a squalid hut in a shanty town while bargaining with the authrities.  - The Honorary Consul
  • The plot focuses on a group of patients as they undergo crude and frightening treatment in a squalid hospital.  - Cancer Ward
  • Caught in Stevie's squalid cabin in a heavy rainy season, Hargreaves struggles with recurring malaria whilst on deathwatch for Stevie.  - In the Wet
  • In reality, Sir William paid squalid orphanages to take the children.  - Gosford Park
  • However, she eventually gets Mister's squalid living conditions and incorrigible children under control.  - The Color Purple

Meaning of "squalid" in English

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Meaning of "squalid" in Hindi

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