How to use "square" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "square" in popular movie and book plots

  • Kri insists that it has been stolen, but the prefect forces the pair to search through 200 square yards of grass in the rain.  - Spring Snow
  • Jerry awakes to find meetings in the public square about infiltrating America to bring down Capitalism.  - Red Nightmare
  • His body became a statue, and for many decades it resided within the square of a nearby town that he had formerly saved from enemy conquerors.  - Dilvish, the Damned
  • Ochoa follows Kersey to a local square where Kersey spots the three remaining gang members.  - Death Wish II
  • Plok wakes up one morning to find that his big square flag has been stolen.  - Plok
  • The public square is filled with seamen, who push away anyone come to throw stones.  - The Reverse of the Medal
  • For a given individual, there are nine possible configurations (haplotypes) at these two loci (shown in the Punnett square below).  - Haplotype
  • He has a scar from an attack from which Patrick saved him by yelling out a square dance call.  - In the Skin of a Lion
  • Castleton is reportedly killed at Tamai, where a British square is briefly broken by a Mahdi attack.  - The Four Feathers
  • The next day, Quasimodo is sentenced to be lashed in the square and publicly humiliated afterwards.  - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939 film)
  • Tormented by his guilty conscience, Dimmesdale goes to the square where Hester was punished years earlier.  - The Scarlet Letter
  • The play starts in the town square of a small provincial French village.  - Rhinoceros (play)
  • The Red Queen tells her that she must reach the eighth square to become a queen, and only when she becomes a queen may she go home.  - Alice in Wonderland (1985 film)
  • She and Will share a moment in a private garden square as they walk back from the birthday party.  - Notting Hill (film)
  • Norman rescues him from a confused, almost violent rant in the town square that lands Sir in the hospital.  - The Dresser (1983 film)
  • After levitating Poochini to the ceiling and slamming him down to the stage, Mysto turns him into a square dance caller.  - Magical Maestro

Meaning of "square" in English

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Meaning of "square" in Hindi

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