How to use "squatter" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "squatter" in popular movie and book plots

  • Dick then turns his attentions on Bobby (Talent), the daughter of the squatter Alf Cole who is the tool of the rustlers.  - The Last Straw (1920 film)
  • The home of Wm Collins, a squatter on the Lachlan, was shown, together with the return Fred, who had won hisC.  - Call of the Bush
  • The girl marries a neighbouring squatter and they have a baby.  - The Sundowner (1911 film)
  • John Lenton is a squatter who lives at Wilunga.  - The Squatter's Son
  • One morning, after further partying when Chris's house is in ruins, Chris finds a squatter asleep in his bathroom.  - Chris (Skins series 1)
  • Jim works for a corrupt squatter, Stingey Smith, and falls in love with Kitty Carewe, daughter of John Carewe, the squatter next door.  - The Man from Snowy River (1920 film)
  • Wallace wakes up nearby in his squatter apartment and goes through his routine of readying several children in his charge for school.  - The Wire (episode)
  • A squatter friend asks for his help in negotiating with the land census bureau to regularize a land title.  - El ministro y yo
  • At eighteen Totò (Francesco Golisano) leaves the orphanage and ends up in a shantytown squatter colony on the outskirts of Milan.  - Miracle in Milan
  • Sutpen then begins an affair with Milly, the 15-year-old granddaughter of Wash Jones, a squatter who lives on the Sutpen property.  - Absalom, Absalom!

Meaning of "squatter" in English

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Meaning of "squatter" in Hindi

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