How to use "squeeze" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "squeeze" in popular movie and book plots

  • He is about to squeeze Miles to death when Little sings her true name, saving Miles but tying herself to the earth forever.  - The Palace of Laughter
  • Hugo reprises his lines from Snow Rabbit, including his intention to "hug him and squeeze him and name him George".  - Spaced Out Bunny
  • He is too fat to squeeze through the hole, but Chippy Hackee (who is not too fat) refuses to leave and remains below chuckling.  - The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes
  • On his first ever hunting trip, in the calm of the Patagonian forest, with one squeeze of the trigger his dreams are made real.  - El Aura
  • Mulder believes that Tooms is able to stretch and squeeze his body through narrow spaces.  - Squeeze (The X-Files)
  • The mouse and Cuckoo squeeze out and take sanctuary in the mousehole, where the two introduce each other with and handshake.  - Kitty Foiled
  • Coyle feels he has fulfilled his end of the deal, but Foley puts the squeeze on Eddie, demanding more information for his cooperation.  - The Friends of Eddie Coyle (novel)
  • The crowd shout insults at Eli and Eli crushes the doll's head with one squeeze and warns the town to stay off Thunder Mountain.  - The Giant of Thunder Mountain
  • He demonstrates how Sancho made him squeeze the trigger because Sancho knew David was having an affair with Clara.  - Live Flesh (film)
  • Contractor then fixes up Kishtayya with Jaya Malini, and proceeds to squeeze Mukkamala out of his money.  - Mutyala Muggu
  • The group breaks a window for Jordan to squeeze through, and he drives the vehicle into the midst of the inert phoners.  - Cell (novel)
  • Hermes resurrects his old limbo skills to squeeze under the door.  - A Flight to Remember
  • The people squeeze past Ellen as she grins emptily, implying they will be Ellen's next victims instead.  - Elevated (film)
  • William Burke "Skeets" Miller, a small man, is able to squeeze through and visit with Floyd, relaying stories which were printed in the news.  - Floyd Collins (musical)
  • He tracks down Missy's therapist, dr Freeman, at the airport, hoping to squeeze in a therapy session.  - Surviving Christmas
  • The road to it, however, is only a single highway linking the various key bridges - trucks and tanks have to squeeze to the shoulder to pass.  - A Bridge Too Far (film)

Meaning of "squeeze" in English

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Meaning of "squeeze" in Hindi

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