How to use "squire" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "squire" in popular movie and book plots

  • That night, the squire arranges a dinner party for all the villagers and Bella dances with each of the brothers in turn.  - Feast of July
  • Despite this, he chooses her as his squire when he has become a knight.  - Alanna: The First Adventure
  • To have a life of his own, he must become a squire and then a knight, and create his own manor and farmland.  - The Seeing Stone
  • the King's Justice and his squire come upon Nicholas and they share some of their suspicions.  - The Reckoning (2003 film)
  • Finally, a young squire named Gawain speaks up and accepts the challenge in lieu of the king.  - Sword of the Valiant
  • In the land of Odegan, orphaned squire Mars is employed at Odegan Castle on the strength of his father's great reputation.  - Shining Wisdom
  • Instead, he drops her off near the home of the local squire and justice of the peace, Sir Humphrey Pengallan (Charles Laughton).  - Jamaica Inn (film)
  • There he is enrolled as a squire by Sir James Lee, an old friend of his father's and Diccon Bowman.  - Men of Iron
  • As a result, Thorne feels obliged to tell his friend the squire the secret concerning her birth.  - Doctor Thorne
  • The knight and his squire sally forth and come upon some people bear-baiting.  - Hudibras
  • Arutha seeks the Mockers' cooperation to obtain more information on the assassins, and at their request, makes Jimmy a squire of his court.  - Silverthorn (novel)
  • Sir James is informed that the squire lived in Haiti for several years and practiced voodoo rituals, as well as black magic.  - The Plague of the Zombies
  • Anodos becomes the dedicated squire of the knight, and they become good friends.  - Phantastes
  • Mrs Hamley dies, and the breach between the squire and his eldest son seems irreparable.  - Wives and Daughters
  • William recalls leaving his father to squire for Sir Ector and learn to become a knight hoping to "change his stars".  - A Knight's Tale
  • He is a former squire once named Glenn, who was turned into an anthropomorphic frog by Magus, who also killed his friend Cyrus.  - Chrono Trigger

Meaning of "squire" in English

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Meaning of "squire" in Hindi

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