How to use "stagnant" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stagnant" in popular movie and book plots

  • Fifty men and women set out on the Wotan to discover new habitable worlds and break free of a stagnant utopia.  - Starborne
  • The investigation is stagnant due to lack of evidence.  - A Member of the Third House
  • A body of stagnant water didn't block him to accomplish the task the boss gave him, so Kozyavin swam, until he reached the Antarctica.  - There Lived Kozyavin
  • The Engineer manages to enter the depths of The Dishwasher's stagnant nightmare and tries to kill him from the inside.  - The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile
  • These epiphanies are the highlight of Chandos’ existence, and outside of them his life is stagnant and barren.  - The Lord Chandos Letter
  • Due to Pluto's destruction, the asteroid, which is dubbed Thanatos, becomes temporarily stagnant in Pluto's orbit.  - Dragonaut: The Resonance
  • This disturbs Laura, who is frustrated with the stagnant conditions of her own life, but cannot make such sudden changes.  - Madagascar (1994 film)
  • At the beginning of the novel, two agents of change are introduced into the stagnant society of Gormenghast.  - Titus Groan
  • The novel is a journey from a stagnant marriage and love to the realization of unseen but ever increasing attraction between two souls.  - The Zahir (novel)
  • Constantine is a skilled mage and visionary political theorist with dreams of moving the world beyond its stagnant situation.  - Metropolitan (novel)
  • Bobby insists he be the waterboy after noticing a keg full of stagnant water and warns the keg needs to be refilled daily with fresh water.  - The Waterboy
  • Gadsby and his youthful army, despite some opposition, transform Branton Hills from a stagnant municipality into a bustling, thriving city.  - Gadsby (novel)
  • Zardoz's aim was to breed a superman who would penetrate the Vortex and save mankind from its hopelessly stagnant status quo.  - Zardoz

Meaning of "stagnant" in English

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Meaning of "stagnant" in Hindi

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