How to use "stale" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stale" in popular movie and book plots

  • Marco Casale is a famous cross country runner who got stale and bored, he is close to give up in the full of his best years.  - The Legacy Run (film)
  • Cleveland tells her to put it in a randomly piled up letter bin full of other stale letters.  - Take a Letter (Family Guy)
  • Yann Kerbec is in his thirties and has been leading a mundane and stale life.  - Our Futures
  • Initially unsuccessful, the pair live in dumpsters, eating rotten fruit and stale cakes, unable to return home as failures.  - Kill Me Quick
  • Now at the end of the line, Bloodworth reappears, forced to reckon with the stale aftermath of his departure.  - Bloodworth
  • He feels his life has grown stale since his defeat in an election for town mayor.  - Never Too Late (1965 film)
  • They get their meals discounted for being stale or in trade, as when Mike (Steve Brodie) stands in for the lifeguard at a private club.  - The Admiral Was a Lady
  • The love between Brand and Lena does not grow stale as Keet hoped after the birth of little Tony.  - Little Tony (film)
  • Attempts to revive the passion with his wife Jia Li cannot improve their stale love life.  - Love Matters
  • After fighting over a stale bean and losing it to a hungry mouse, they happen to read about mrs Gloria Van Glutton's musicale and dinner.  - Banquet Busters
  • Eddie suggests killing him by feeding him stale fish fingers.  - Burglary (Bottom)
  • The characters rebel at this stale and derivative staging of the story and demand a fresh approach.  - Red Hot Riding Hood

Meaning of "stale" in English

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Meaning of "stale" in Hindi

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