How to use "stalk" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stalk" in popular movie and book plots

  • Despite missing an arm and leg, the Creeper continues to stalk Double D until Taggart intervenes by shooting it with a harpoon again.  - Jeepers Creepers 2
  • The tables turned, Elmer starts running and Bugs and Daffy, dressed as hunters, begin to stalk Elmer.  - Rabbit Fire
  • After his single corn stalk dies, he has a vision of Daddy Tang and Momma Dee.  - Pootie Tang
  • The killer then begins to stalk Emma.  - Blink (film)
  • A local boy is attacked and killed by hyenas that seem to continuously stalk the dig, night and day.  - Exorcist: The Beginning
  • He finally reaches the upper levels of the mansion, where he and Piggsy stalk one another.  - Manhunt (video game)
  • To provoke him into killing, David takes Michael to stalk a group of beach goers, and instigates a feeding frenzy.  - The Lost Boys
  • The FBI stalk Muldanno, hoping he'll lead them to the body.  - The Client (novel)
  • Sintès is off the hook but now the girl's male relatives stalk Mersault.  - The Stranger (1967 film)
  • The two stalk to different parts of the house with no decision resolved.  - Everwood
  • His mistress, Magda Tellman, is married to a man who begins to stalk and harass Roxy, thinking her responsible for his wife's desertion.  - Le Divorce
  • When time runs out, the gangsters stalk Daffy.  - Golden Yeggs
  • Cady begins to stalk and subtly threaten Bowden's family.  - Cape Fear (1962 film)
  • When Jerry chases Armand out of the apartment in front of the Leesons, Dan and his mother stalk out.  - The Awful Truth
  • James then begins to stalk Dorian, causing Dorian to fear for his life.  - The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Kate and the stranger stalk each other through the museum until they finally wind up outside, where Kate joins him in a taxi.  - Dressed to Kill (1980 film)

Meaning of "stalk" in English

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Meaning of "stalk" in Hindi

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