How to use "stamina" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stamina" in popular movie and book plots

  • But Cassandra takes all the physical and mental abuse and throws it back at Den with all the strength and stamina she can muster.  - Den (film)
  • In Hithafea's initiation Fitzgerald hazes him savagely, but is thwarted by the alien's strength, stamina and equanimity.  - The Inspector's Teeth
  • They were rushing to the finish line, but Sanduo had not enough stamina to dash for finish while carrying Liu-yi.  - Soldiers Sortie
  • While Paul longs to be wealthy, cultivated and powerful, he lacks the stamina and ambition to attempt to change his condition.  - Paul's Case
  • So he tends to not come in first, having used his stamina too early.  - Running (film)
  • Although his physical stamina has diminished, his quirky personality still remains.  - Moo (novel)
  • However, this ability puts a strain on his body, as it is his stamina and will that limits the amount of power available to him.  - Kaze no Stigma
  • Elizabeth falls in love with the creature due to his inhuman stamina and his enormous penis (referred to as Schwanstuker or Schwanzstück).  - Young Frankenstein

Meaning of "stamina" in English

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Meaning of "stamina" in Hindi

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