How to use "stampede" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stampede" in popular movie and book plots

  • The crew soon discover that dinosaurs exist on the island and promptly escape from a stampede of Brontosaurus.  - Creation (unfinished film)
  • The elephants end up destroying the plantation in a stampede along with a fire.  - Elephant Walk
  • They kiss while the buggalo stampede and shake the ground, and Kif writes in his diary that he "just made love for the second time".  - Where the Buggalo Roam
  • In the stampede that follows, Siddartha breaks his watch.  - Pratidwandi
  • She even persuades Bill to stampede her own cattle, without Dave's knowledge, just so Ivey will appear guilty to the law.  - Ramrod (film)
  • A reckless act by Mitch causes a stampede in which the map and almost all their supplies are lost.  - City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold
  • Soon afterwards, a volcano erupts causing a mass stampede among the giant creatures of the lost world.  - The Lost World (1925 film)
  • The test tubes containing the vaccine are shattered after the doctor is pushed down a flight of stairs by a stampede of "Crazies".  - The Crazies (1973 film)
  • Next, they see a bison stampede and watch a tribesman fall off his horse.  - Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier
  • Clubfoot's legs are crushed when Leung accidentally releases a stampede of horses from a stable.  - Once Upon a Time in China III
  • This unleashes a panic in the ballroom, causing a stampede and brief shootout between Watson and the security people.  - Nick of Time (film)
  • Lake and Jim sneak out that night and stampede the Apaches' horses, allowing the party to escape.  - Backlash (1956 film)
  • Filo then directs an entire stampede of large animals onto the battlefield, sending Sedessa's minions fleeing for their lives.  - Delgo (film)
  • Ryan accidentally causes a stampede which head to the game.  - The Wild
  • A stampede ensues as panic engulfs the throng, with people crushed and trampled as Kong strides through the crowd.  - King Kong (1976 film)
  • Using a cow stampede for cover, the two begin their assault on Hatcher's goons.  - The Rundown

Meaning of "stampede" in English

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Meaning of "stampede" in Hindi

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