How to use "stately" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stately" in popular movie and book plots

  • Mitchell then takes Hannah to a stately home in Scotland with him; however he becomes frustrated with her for being too "demanding".  - Episode 1.8 (Secret Diary of a Call Girl)
  • While at work at a stately home, Marion hears that April has not arrived at school.  - Dustbin Baby (film)
  • In 1795, newlyweds Catherine (Beacham) and Charles Fengriffen (Ogilvy) move into Charles' stately mansion.  - And Now the Screaming Starts!
  • He is invited to the stately Hammond home to perform a Mozart clarinet concerto.  - The Benny Goodman Story
  • Martin Clarke is celebrating his acquisition and refurbishment of an old stately home by inviting a number of guests to stay for the weekend.  - The Man Who Could Not Shudder
  • As a test run before the real robbery, they break into another stately home.  - Deadfall (1968 film)
  • Genevieve and Roden teleport Buffy to their stately home.  - No Future for You
  • Wheelchair-using Sir Hugo Coal narrates this tale of vice and murder at stately Crook Manor.  - The Grotesque (novel)
  • The play is in two acts, set in Wishwood, a stately home in the north of England.  - The Family Reunion
  • Cathedrals, so stately and calm to us, turn out to have been crowded, garish, noisy, and commercial.  - Ladies Whose Bright Eyes
  • Fleming shares a stately home with Julian Wilde (Cedric Hardwicke), his business partner and friend.  - Lured
  • The setting for the Duke's stately home in the latter part of the film is Longleat.  - Splitting Heirs
  • Coogan is playing the eponymous role in an adaptation of The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman being filmed at a stately home.  - A Cock and Bull Story
  • Willie is very disappointed to discover the McKay "estate" is a rundown home, not the stately mansion he had imagined.  - Our Hospitality
  • As the rope is adjusted about the civilian's neck, a vision of his stately home, wife and children flashes before him.  - An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (film)
  • Miss Em bequeaths Pinky her stately house and property when she dies, but greedy relative Melba Wooley (Evelyn Varden) challenges the will.  - Pinky (film)

Meaning of "stately" in English

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Meaning of "stately" in Hindi

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